联系手机:18050196379 (同vx) Q:2585776742
Sunx VI-E210, LTD Camera scanline as photo, sn:set B rφj Promotion
SUPERIOR ELECTRIC SLO SYN 2000 SS2000MD7, Driver Sn:4749, Pro' Tested.
SUPERIOR ELECTRIC SLO-SYN SS2000MD7, Stepper Driver as photos, sn:1510.
Superior Electric Slo-Syn SS222, Motor as photos, sn: SPEC.C215384.
Superior Electric SS2000MD7, Microstep Drive, sn:4138, For part not working .
SURUGA SEIKI 40x40 with micrometer travel 10mm, XY stage as photos, set A Pro'
SURUGA SEIKI B08, 40x40 travel +/- 7mm., Linear X Stage as photo, sn:3763.
SURUGA SEIKI B08, 40x40 travel +/- 7mm., Linear XY Stage as photo, sn:0275.
SURUGA SEIKI B08, 40x40 travel +/- 7mm., Linear XY Stage as photo, sn:0275.
SURUGA SEIKI B08, 40x40 travel +/- 7mm., Linear XY Stage as photo, sn:0537, Pro
SURUGA SEIKI B08, 40x40 travel +/- 7mm., Linear XY Stage as photo, sn:0537, Pro
SURUGA SEIKI B08-111R, 60x60 travel ≈ 18 mm., X Axis Linear Stage & Feed Screw.
SURUGA SEIKI B11-60 A, 1 axis roller stage+/-6.5mm as photos, SN:86-10, Pro 2.
SURUGA SEIKI B11-60 AZ, 1 axis roller stage+/-6.5mm as photos, SN:479-9, Pro
SURUGA SEIKI B11-60 AZ, 1 axis roller stage+/-6.5mm as photos, SN:79-28.
SURUGA SEIKI B11-60 C,Combining 3 axis stage+/-6.5mm as photo,SN:7097.
SURUGA SEIKI B11-60 C,Combining 3axis roller stage+/-6.5mm as photo,SN:7100. lφo
SURUGA SEIKI B11-60 C,Combining 3axis stage+/-6.5mm as photos,SN:7098.pφx Pro
Suruga Seiki B11-60A&B11-60C&A47-3, XYZ 3 Axis Linear stage as photo, sn:1979.
SURUGA SEIKI B16-60C, 60x60 travel≈13mm., Linear XY Stage as photos,sn:0038, dφm
SURUGA SEIKI B23-40C, 40x40 travel ≈10mm, Linear XY Stage as photo,SN:7309, Pro1
SURUGA SEIKI B23-40C, 40x40 travel ≈10mm, Linear XY Stage as photo,SN:9342, lφo
SURUGA SEIKI B23-40C, 40x40 travel ≈10mm., Linear XY Stage as photos,SN:746-4.
SURUGA SEIKI B23-40CR, 40x40 travel ≈10mm. Linear XY Stage as photos,SN:0520.
SURUGA SEIKI B54-40L, 40x40mm Brass dovetail Goniometer as photos, set:A, Pro'
SURUGA SEIKI B54-40L, 40x40mm Brass dovetail Goniometer as photos, set:B, Pro'
SURUGA SEIKI B54-40L, 40x40mm Brass dovetail Goniometer as photos, set:C.
SURUGA SEIKI BSS16-40A1, 40x40 travel+/-6.5 mm, Z Axis Linear stage as photos.
SURUGA SEIKI BSS16-50A1, 50x50 travel +/-6.5 mm, Linear X stage as photo,sn:SR39
SURUGA SEIKI BSS16-50A1, 50x50 travel +/-6.5 mm, Linear X stage as photo,sn:SR39
SURUGA SEIKI BSS16-50A1, 50x50 travel +/-6.5 mm,Linear X stage as photos,A Pro'
SURUGA SEIKI BSS16-50A1, 50x50 travel +/-6.5 mm,Linear X stage as photos,sn:B
SURUGA SEIKI BSS16-50C, 50x50 travel +/-6.5 mm, Linear Stage Z axis as photos.
SURUGA SEIKI BSS16-50C, 50x50 travel ≈12mm, 3 Axis Linear XYZ Stage as photos.
SURUGA SEIKI BSS16-50C, 50x50 travel ≈12mm, Linear XYZ Stage as photos, type 2,
SURUGA SEIKI BSS23-50A1, 50x50 travel +/-6.5mm, XY stage as photo, sn:AC1-29
SURUGA SEIKI BSS23-50A1, 50x50 travel +/-6.5mm, XY stage as photos, pφx Pro'
SURUGA SEIKI BSS23-50A1, 50x50 travel +/-6.5mm, XY stage as photos, set A, Pro1
Suruga seiki K101-15M, X Axis Crossed Roller Guide&motor as photo, sn:8002, lφo
SURUGA SEIKI Misumi XYEG 40, XY-Axis Stages Feed Screw as photo, sn:0517, rφj
SURUGA SEIKI Misumi XYEG 40, XY-Axis Stages Feed Screw as photo, sn:0524, Pro
SURUGA SEIKI Misumi XYEG 40, XY-Axis Stages Feed Screw as photo, sn:0524, Pro
SURUGA SEIKI U12011/KXG06, Ball screw Linear stage as photos, sn:0081, lφo
SURUGA SEIKI, 25x25 travel approx' 10mm, XYZ Stage as photo, sn:0057 dφm ev4
SUS Corp. TYPE XA-S3-Ro, Motor driver as photo, sn:0180.
SUS Corp. TYPE XA-S3-Ro, Motor driver as photo, sn:0226, Promotion.
SUS Corp. XA-A3, Motor driver as photo, sn:0162, Promotion rφj pφx
SUS Corp. XA-A3, Motor driver as photo, sn:0308, rφj Promotion 1
SUS Corp. XA-A3, Motor driver as photo, sn:0358, rφj Promotion 2
SUS Corp. XA-A3, Motor driver as photo, sn:0360, lφo 2
SUS Corp. XA-A3, Motor driver as photo, sn:0361, lφo 1
SUS Corp. XA-N1-Ro & XA-35L-100, Linear Actuator & driver as photos, sn:002/383.
SUS Corp. XA-N1-Ro & XA-35L-100, Linear Actuator & driver as photos, sn:0384.lφo
SUS Corp. XA-N1-Ro & XA-35L-100, Linear Actuator & driver as photos, sn:382,Pro'
SUS XA-35H-50, Actuator Linear motion as photos, sn:0665, Promotion.
SUS XA-D1, Price per 1unit of Stepping Driver as photo, sn:random, Promotion.
Swagelok B-41XS2, Brass 1-Piece 40 Series 3-Way Ball Valve, as photos.
Swagelok SS-31RF4, High-Pressure as photo, sn:0001, Promotion.
Swagelok SS-31RF4, High-Pressure as photo, sn:8001.
Swagelok SS-4L-TFMH, Stainless Flow Metering valve as phopts, Price per 1 unit.
SYK FK-15 , FK15-C7, CNC BallScrew Support unit, sn:20044, CRW
Symbol LS2208-SR20001ZZAR, Barcode scanner as photo, sn:5DA9.
Symbol LS4208, Barcode Scanner Tested as photo, sn:2518, Promotion.
Symbol LS4208, Barcode Scanner Tested as photo, sn:6660.
SZM AUXILIARY 1.5X, 45mm. Objective Lens as photo, use for olympus.
SZM AUXILIARY 1.5X, 45mm. Objective Lens as photo, use for olympus.
T and D, T&D TR-71U Thermo Recorder (Max. 300 days) via USB, lφo
T and D, T&D TR-71U Thermo Recorder-1 sensor internal (Max. 300 days) via USB
T&D TR-71U, Lot 6 units of Thermo Recorder (300 days) via USB, as photos.
Tagan TG-350FX, Power Supply 350W as photo.
Tagan TG580-U38, Power Supply as photo, sn:xx, FTU
TAIYO Parker SH3-D12, Silky chuck gripping as photos, sn:E1109 B, Promotion pφx
TAIYO Parker SH3-D12, Silky chuck gripping as photos, sn:E1109, Promotion 1
TAIYO Parker SH3-D12, Silky chuck gripping as photos, sn:E1203 lφo
Takamura K10020, Mitsubishi Servo motor reducer gear head as photo, sn:381F.
TAKAMURA K9005 , planetary servo gearbox as photo, CRW
Takemoto denki XM-110-995-110-11, NEW Power meter as photo, sn:5508, NIB
Takemoto denki XM-110-995-110-11, NEW Power meter as photo, sn:5508, NIB
Takemoto denki XM-110-995-110-11, New Power Meter as photo, sn:5510, lφo 1
Takemoto denki XM-110-995-110-11, NEW Power meter as photo, sn:5512, NIB
Takemoto denki XM-110-995-110-11, NEW Power meter as photo, sn:5512, NIB
Takemoto denki XM-110-995-110-11, NEW Power Meter as photo, sn:5513, Promotion 2
Takemoto denki XM-110-995-110-11, New Power Meter as photo, sn:5514, lφo 2
Takemoto denki XM-110-995-110-11, NEW Power meter as photo, sn:7794, NIB
Takemoto denki XM-110-995-110-11, NEW Power meter as photo, sn:7794, NIB
Takemoto denki XM-110-995-110-11,New Power Meter as photo, sn:5509 pφx Promotion
Takenaka Optonic LDB263L, Laser Projector as photo, sn:1172, profile measurement
Takenaka Optonic LDB263L, Laser Projector as photo, sn:2548, Ultra-fine line.