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发布时间:2023-12-17 10:25:09  点击量:10
  推送:6ES5374-2FH21福建省市县区域/直送2023全+境+派 推送:6ES5374-2FH21福建省市县区域/直送2023全+境+派 推送:6ES5374-2FH21福建省市县区域/直送2023全+境+派
联系人:小方 联系手机:18050196379  (同vx)               Q:2585776742 主营品牌:AB、GE、ABB、发那科、安川、施耐德、力士乐、西门子、霍尼韦尔、艾默生等进口品牌PLC、CPU、DCS钟采购,原装行货,优惠,保修,型号齐全,优势库存,欢迎查询!

SMC LC6D-507AD-X294 , Stepping Motor Driver photo, sn:2127.

SMC LECP6N1D-LEHF20K2-48 & LEHF10K2-32-R56N1D, Driver&Gripper, sn:7997.

SMC LECP6P1D-LEHF10K2-32 & LEHF10K2-32-R56N1D, Driver&Gripper, sn:8004.

SMC LECP6P1D-LEHF10K2-32 & LEHF10K2-32-R56N1D, Driver&Gripper, sn:8004.

SMC LECP6P1D-LEHF10K2-32 / LEHF20K2-48-R56N1D, Driver&Gripper as photo, Pro'

SMC LECP6P1D-LEHF10K2-32, Electric Gripper driver as photos.

SMC LEHF10K2-32-R56N1D, Electric Gripper without driver as photos, sn:xxx.

SMC LX-559A-5BD-125SB & KR-5M,Linear actuator & 5P Drive as photo, sn:1275.

SMC LX-559A-5BD-125SB & KR-5M,Linear actuator & 5P Drive as photo, sn:1275.

SMC LXFH5SA-100S, Electric actuator as photos, Promotion.

SMC LXFH5SA-100S, Electric Actuator as photos, sn:set2.2

SMC LXFHABC-75S with Faulhaber minimotor as photo, sn:7465.

SMC MBB40-100-XC3BB, New CYLINDER as photos.

SMC MGF40-30, Guide CYLINDER table as photo, sn:B, Promotion

SMC MHL2-16D-X975, Gripper new without Proximity switch. & Box as photo, Pro'

SMC MQR2-M5, Rotaly joint as photo, sn:set:A, Promotion 3

SMC MQR2-M5, Rotaly joint as photo, sn:set:B, Promotion 2

SMC MQR2-M5, Rotaly joint as photo, sn:set:C, Promotion 1

SMC MQR2-M5, Rotaly joint as photo, sn:set:D, lφo

SMC MQR2-M5, Rotaly joint as photo, sn:set:D, lφo

SMC MSQB30L2-M9BL, Price per 1 unit of Rotary Table as photos, Promotion.

SMC MUB32-25DZ, Air Cylinder, New without box, Promotion 3.

SMC MUB32-25DZ, Air Cylinder, New without box, sn: xxx Promotion 2.

SMC MUB32-25DZ, Lot 3 units of Air Cylinder as photo, New Promotion.

SMC MXU6-5, Pneumatic air slide table linear stage as photo, sn:JY.

SMC PF2A551-04, Air Flow switch as photo, New without box, sn:Set A, promotion 1

SMC PF2A551-04, Air Flow switch as photo, New without box, sn:Set B, Promotion 2

SMC PF2A551-04, Air Flow switch as photo, New without box, sn:set C, lφo

SMC PF2W300-A, FLOW SWITCH digital as photos, sn: set A, NEW unbox, Promotion.

SMC PF2W300-A, FLOW SWITCH digital as photos, sn: set B,

SMC PF2W540-04, FLOW SWITCH as photo,sn:1205, NEW unbox, rφj

SMC SRH4010-03, regulator as photo.

SMC SRH4010-03, regulator as photo.

SMC VNC201B-15A, 2-WAY MEDIA VALVE, New with packing, Sn: 01.

SMC VV5QC11 - 12C3SDQN51 - DNS , Pneumatics Manifold as photo, NEW, CRW

SMC VX3134V, Solenoid valve as photo, sn:xx.

SNK NST6, AIM-CPU ASSY 602-70333 BOARD 206-70334A as photo, sn:20SI.

SNK NST6, AIM-POWER ASSY 206-70327 BOARD 206-70328B as photo, sn:20SI.

Sodick America MTLNK-01C, MTLNK-01(4A2I W), Servo link PCB as photo, CRW

Sodick America MTLNK-01C, MTLNK-01(61NC W), Servo link PCB Broken

Sodick Plustech SPWM-D08 , Servo Drive 0.75kW as photo, lφo

Sodick Plustech SPWM-G20 , Servo Drive as photos, lφo

Soft Absober Stopper 8x31mm. as photo, sn: pφx Price per 1 unit.

Soft Absober Stopper 8x31mm. as photo, sn: pφx Price per 1 unit.

Solartron AX2.5S, Analogue Gauging probe as photo, sn:2T5, pφx Promotion

Solartron AX2.5S, Analogue Gauging probe as photo, sn:4S9.

Solartron Metrology LVDT AX2.5S, Analogue Gauging probe as photo, NEW Promotion.

Solartron Metrology LVDT AX2.5S, Analogue Gauging probe as photo, NEW Promotion.

Solartron Metrology LVDT AX2.5S, Analogue Gauging probe as photo, sn:NEW Pro'1.

Solartron Metrology LVDT AX2.5S, Analogue Gauging probe as photo, sn:NEW Pro'2

Solartron Metrology LVDT AX2.5S, Analogue Gauging probe as photo, sn:set NEW 3.

Solartron Metrology LVDT AX2.5S, Analogue Gauging probe as photo, sn:set NEW 4.

Solartron OD5 & DSA-0421S-24 1, Transducer as photo, sn:13ST, FTU

Solartron OD5 & GI12-US1210, Power adaptor Transducer as photo, sn: set A..

Solartron OD5 & GI12-US1210, Power adaptor Transducer as photo, sn: Set B.

Solartron OD5 & GI12-US1210, Power adaptor Transducer as photo, sn: Set B.

Solartron OD5 & GI12-US1210, Power supply Transducer as photo, sn:AP2I.

Solenoid coil CH1290 as photos Vacuum Valve Adixen ASM142, price per 1 unit.

Solenoid Valve CH1290 as photos, Vacuum Valve Adixen ASM142, price per 1 unit.

Sony BH10-001T04, Laser 2mW 790 nm class IIIb as photos.

Sony Camera Adaptor 12 pin to terminal, be equivalent to 12 pin Sony Panasonic

SONY DC-700 JQA AZUMI , Camera Adaptor , sn:9077, Promotion

SONY DC-700 JQA AZUMI , Camera Adaptor as photos, sn:9066.

SONY DC-700 JQA AZUMI, Camera Adaptor, sn:2729.

SONY DC-700 JQA AZUMI, Camera Adaptor, sn:2729.

Sony DG810, Probe without cable as photo, sn:0466, For part not working.

Sony DG810B, Miniature guage Probe as photo, sn:9884, Tested, Pro 4

Sony DG810B-T28, Gauging probe as photo, sn:2751, Tested Promotion 3.2

Sony DG810B-T28, Gauging probe as photo, sn:5405, Tested, Promotion 1

Sony DG810B-T28, Gauging probe as photo, sn:5670, Tested, pφx Promotion.

Sony DG810B-T28, miniature gauge Probe as photos, sn:0620, Tested lφo 3

Sony DG810B-T28, miniature gauge Probe as photos, sn:2719, Tested lφo 3

Sony DG810B-T28, miniature gauge Probe as photos, sn:2749, Tested lφo 3

Sony DG810B-T28, miniature gauge Probe as photos, sn:2765, Tested pφx 1

Sony DG810B-T28, miniature gauge Probe as photos, sn:2797, Tested Pro 3

Sony DG810B-T28, miniature gauge Probe as photos, sn:2963, Tested lφo 2

Sony DG810B-T28, miniature gauge Probe as photos, sn:3465, Tested Pro 2

Sony DG810B-T28, miniature gauge Probe as photos, sn:6316, Tested lφo 2

Sony DG810B-T28, miniature gauge Probe as photos, sn:7293, Tested lφo 2

Sony DG810B-T28, miniature gauge Probe as photos, sn:7311, Tested lφo 1

Sony DG810B-T28, miniature gauge Probe as photos, sn:7584, Tested Pro 1

Sony DG810B-T28, miniature gauge Probe as photos, sn:8090, Tested lφo 1

SONY DP3C03-S Camera Cable, Price 1 unit, Free combine shipping.

Sony DT12N, Digital Gauging Probe as photo, sn:1638.

Sony DT12N, Digital Gauging Probe as photo, sn:5104, Promotion 1

Sony DT12N, Digital Gauging Probe as photo, sn:7352, Promotion 2

Sony DT12N, Digital Gauging Probe as photo, sn:8484.

Sony DZ262, Magnescale Convert DK-DG adaptor as photo, sn:3581, rφj

  • 联系人:小方
  • 电话:18050196379
  • 手机:18050196379
  • 地址:福建省福州市滨江西大道闽商财富中心69号18层1806室