联系手机:18050196379 (同vx) Q:2585776742
SIEMENS 6ES7 321-1BH01-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 DI 16xDC24V as photos, sn:1240, Pro 1
SIEMENS 6ES7 321-1BH01-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 DI 16xDC24V as photos, sn:6366, Pro 2
SIEMENS 6ES7 321-1BH01-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 DI 16xDC24V as photos, sn:6387, lφo 2
SIEMENS 6ES7 321-1BH01-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 DI 16xDC24V as photos, sn:9990, lφo 1
Siemens 6ES7 321-1BH02-0AA0, Digital Input Module as photo, Sn:0714.
Siemens 6ES7 321-1BH02-0AA0, Digital Input Module as photo, Sn:5455.
SIEMENS 6ES7 321-1BL00-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 as photo, sn:5739.
SIEMENS 6ES7 321-1BL00-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 as photo, sn:5739.
SIEMENS 6ES7 321-1BL00-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 as photo, sn:9459.
SIEMENS 6ES7 321-1BL00-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 as photo, sn:9459.
SIEMENS 6ES7 321-1BL00-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 as photos, sn:1186, Promotion 1. pφx
SIEMENS 6ES7 321-1BL00-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 as photos, sn:1189, Promotion 2.
SIEMENS 6ES7 321-1BL00-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 DI 32xDC24V as photos, sn:0057, Pro 1
SIEMENS 6ES7 321-1BL00-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 DI 32xDC24V as photos, sn:0656, lφo 1
SIEMENS 6ES7 322-1BF01-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 as photos, sn : 7583, Promotion 1
SIEMENS 6ES7 322-1BF01-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 as photos, sn : 7634.
SIEMENS 6ES7 322-1BH01-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 DO 16xDC24V as photos, sn:3291, Pro 2
SIEMENS 6ES7 322-1BH01-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 DO 16xDC24V as photos, sn:3378, lφo 1
SIEMENS 6ES7 322-1BH01-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 DO 16xDC24V as photos, sn:4040, lφo 2
SIEMENS 6ES7 322-1BH01-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 DO 16xDC24V as photos, sn:4041, lφo 3
Siemens 6ES7 322-1BL00-0AA0, Lot 2 units of PLC as photos, sn:331/288.
Siemens 6ES7 322-1BL00-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 as photo, sn:8027, pφx Promotion 3
Siemens 6ES7 322-1BL00-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 as photo, sn:8032.
SIEMENS 6ES7 322-1BL00-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 as photos, sn : 6667, Promotion 2
SIEMENS 6ES7 322-1BL00-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 as photos, sn : 8036, lφo
SIEMENS 6ES7 322-1BL00-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 as photos, sn:6065, Promotion 1
Siemens 6ES7 322-1BL00-0AA0, Simatic S7 as photos, sn:6069.
SIEMENS 6ES7 322-1BL00-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 DO 32xDC24V as photos, sn:2245, Pro 1
SIEMENS 6ES7 322-1BL00-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 DO 32xDC24V as photos, sn:2725.
SIEMENS 6ES7 322-1BL00-0AA0, SIMATIC S7 DO 32xDC24V as photos, sn:7404.
Siemens 6ES7 331-1KF00-0AB0, SIMATIC S7 AI as photos, sn:5636, lφo
SIEMENS 6ES7 331-1KF00-0AB0, SIMATIC S7 as photos, sn : 8242, Promotion
Siemens 6ES7 331-7KF01-0AB0, SIMATIC S7 PLC AI as photo, sn:1833,pφx Promotion 1
Siemens 6ES7 331-7KF01-0AB0, SIMATIC S7 PLC AI as photo, sn:4091, Promotion 2
Siemens 6ES7 331-7KF01-0AB0, SIMATIC S7 PLC AI as photo, sn:9269, lφo 1
Siemens 6ES7 331-7KF01-0AB0, SIMATIC S7 PLC AI as photo, sn:9303, lφo 2
Siemens 6ES7 335-7HG00-0AB0, SIMATIC S7 4AI / 4AO PLC as ptoto, sn:8259, Promote
Siemens 6ES7 335-7HG01-0AB0, SIMATIC S7 4AI / 4AO PLC as ptoto, sn:6183, lφo1/2
Siemens 6ES7 335-7HG01-0AB0, SIMATIC S7 4AI / 4AO PLC as ptoto, sn:7914, lφo2/2
Siemens 6ES7 340-1AH01-0AE0, SIMATIC S7 CP340 RS-232C as photos, sn:8058 pφx
Siemens 6ES7 340-1AH01-0AE0, SIMATIC S7 CP340 RS-232C as photos, sn:8058 pφx
Siemens 6ES7 368-3BC51-0AA0, Connecting cable as photo, sn:4344.
Siemens 6ES7 370-0AA01-0AA0, DM370 Dummy as photo, sn:3082, Promotion 1
Siemens 6ES7 370-0AA01-0AA0, DM370 Dummy as photo, sn:8710, Promotion 2.
Siemens 6ES7 370-0AA01-0AA0, DM370 Dummy as photo, sn:8738, lφo
Siemens 6ES7 390-0AA00-0AA0,Price per 1unit of 720 2001-01 PC-GF20 pφx,Promotion
Siemens 6ES7 390-1AE80-0AA0, Simatic S7 Profilschiene 482,6mm as photo, sn:KXR3.
SIEMENS 6ES7 407-0KA01-0AA0, POWER SUPPLY tested as photo, sn:2706.
SIEMENS 6ES7 416-2XK02-0AB0, Processor Module as photo,sn:5041,For part not work
Siemens 6ES7 922-3BD20-0AC0, Terminal as photos, sn:B.
Siemens 6ES7 922-3BD20-0AC0, Terminal as photos, sn:B.
Siemens 6ES7 922-3BD20-0AC0, Terminal as photos, sn:GF30.
SIEMENS 6ES7 951-0KG00-0AA0, Memory card as 1st photo, sn:random, lφo .
SIEMENS 6ES7 951-0KG00-0AA0, Price per a Memory card as 1st photo, Promotion.
SIEMENS 6ES7 951-0KG00-0AA0, Price per a Memory card as 1st photo, pφx Promotion
Siemens 6ES7 952-1AM00-0AA0, Simatic S7 memory card as photo, sn:2931, lφo
SIEMENS 6ES7 972-0BA20-0XA0, Simatic S7 Profibus connector as photo, pφx, Pro 1
SIEMENS 6ES7 972-0BA20-0XA0, Simatic S7 Profibus connector as photo, Type I
SIEMENS 6ES7 972-0BA50-0XA0, Profibus connector as photo, sn:74D7.
SIEMENS 6ES7 972-0BB20-0XA0, Simatic S7 Profibus connector as photo, pφx, Pro 1
SIEMENS 6ES7 972-0BB20-0XA0, Simatic S7 Profibus connector as photo, Type II.
SIEMENS 6ES7 EM 221, Price 1 unit of SIMATIC S7 Digital PLC module as photo, CRW
SIEMENS 6ES7-453-3AH00-0AE0, SIMATIC S7 Function Module, New opened box, Pro.
SIEMENS 6ES7-453-3AH00-0AE0, SIMATIC S7 Function Module, Old stock never .
Siemens 6ES7-972-0CA34-0XA0, SIMATIC S7 TS Adaptor V5.2 as photos, sn:2630, Pro'
Siemens 6ES7-972-0CA34-0XA0, SIMATIC S7 TS Adaptor V5.2 as photos, sn:2715.
Siemens 6FX2003-0AA02, Busconnector MPI Plug as photo, sn:2019.
Siemens 6FX2006-1BA02 f. ()840C ()840D, SIMOTION SINUMERIK service board, Pro'
Siemens 6FX2006-1BA02 f. ()840C ()840D, SIMOTION/SINUMERIK service board, set 1
Siemens 6GK1500-0EA02, Busconnector connector as photo, sn:xx
SIEMENS 6GK7 443-5FX01-0XE0 Simatic Profibus Module as photo, sn:2014.
Siemens 6GK7343-5FA01-0XE0, Simatic net cp profibus as photo, sn:5070, Pro '
SIEMENS 6SL3000-0BE21-6AA0, LINE-FILTER Active module as photos, sn:5081
Siemens 6SN1118-0DJ21-0AA0, Control Module as photo, sn:7495.
Siemens 6SX7010-0KC00, SIMOVERT EB2 Expander Board, New .
Siemens 6XV1440-2AH50 AG(PG-SS), Operator panel connect cable for OP5 OP15.
Siemens 720 2001-01 PC-GF20, Lot 5 units of Adapter Module as photos,Set A, Pro1
Siemens 720 2001-01 PC-GF20, Lot 5 units of Adapter Module as photos,Set B, Pro2
Siemens 720 2001-01 PC-GF20, Lot 5 units of Adapter Module as photos,Set C
Siemens A5E00100846, Power Supply as photo, sn:6131,for Sinumerik Simatic PCU 50
Siemens A5E00104794-03, PCU 50 PCU 70 Exp' Slot as photo.
Siemens cables Encoder 9042870 & 4x1.5 Power as 1st photo, Without motor, 1.6kg
Siemens Encoder 9042870 & Power Cable only, Without motor, Promotion , CRW
SIEMENS LT-MODUL 15A, 6SN1123-1AA00-0AA1 & 6SN1118-0NH01-0AA0, sn:141&733 dφm PP
SIEMENS LT-MODUL 15A, 6SN1123-1AA00-0AA1&6SN1118-0NH01-0AA0, sn:433&132, dφm
SIEMENS LT-MODUL 50A, 6SN1123-1AA00-0CA1 & 6SN1118-0DJ21-0AA0, sn:1480&0761.
SIEMENS LT-MODUL 80A, 6SN1123-1AA00-0DA1 & 6SN1118-0DJ21-0AA0, sn: dφm khu.
SIEMENS LT-MODUL 80A, 6SN1123-1AA00-0DA1 & Control unit as photos, sn:0268, Pro'