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发布时间:2023-12-22 03:07:16  点击量:10
  推送:8030CRM211福建省市县区域/直送2023全+境+派 推送:8030CRM211福建省市县区域/直送2023全+境+派 推送:8030CRM211福建省市县区域/直送2023全+境+派
联系人:小方 联系手机:18050196379  (同vx)               Q:2585776742 主营品牌:AB、GE、ABB、发那科、安川、施耐德、力士乐、西门子、霍尼韦尔、艾默生等进口品牌PLC、CPU、DCS钟采购,原装行货,优惠,保修,型号齐全,优势库存,欢迎查询!

error ConTACT 2730187-06, IBS PCI SC/RI-LK, 2MBD Interbus as photos, sn:3287 CRW

ESCORT MEMORY SYSTEMS HMS827-03 K012 Passive Reader/Writer sn:0636. Promotion 1.

ESCORT MEMORY SYSTEMS HMS827-03 K012 Passive Reader/Writer sn:1245 Promotion 2

ESCORT MEMORY SYSTEMS HMS827-03 K012, Sensor as photo, sn:0972.

ESCORT MEMORY SYSTEMS HMS827-03, Passive Reader as photo,sn:0843.

ESCORT MEMORY SYSTEMS HMS827-03, Passive Reader as photo,sn:1530.

ESCORT MEMORY SYSTEMS HMS827-03, Passive Reader as photo,sn:2212.

ESCORT MEMORY SYSTEMS HMS827-06 K012 Passive Reader/Writer, sn:1259 not working.

ESCORT MEMORY SYSTEMS HMS827-06 K012 Passive Reader/Writer, sn:3433 Promotion 1.

ESCORT MEMORY SYSTEMS HMS827-06 K012, Passive Reader as photo,sn:0057.

ESCORT MEMORY SYSTEMS HMS827-06 K012, Passive Reader/Writer, sn:2160.

ESCORT MEMORY SYSTEMS HMS827-06 K012, Sensor as photo, sn:1331, Promotion 2

ESCORT MEMORY SYSTEMS HMS827-06 K012, Sensor as photo, sn:2415.

ESEC CPU 020, KALEX3 K688, Control Board part, SN:0720.

ESEC SA 612.900/3, for SIEMENS SICOMP SMP Bus, PCB Card as photos dφm

ESEC SA 612.900/3, for SIEMENS SICOMP SMP Bus, PCB Card as photos, sn:2093 Pro 1

ESEC SA 612.900/3, for SIEMENS SICOMP SMP Bus, PCB Card as photos, sn:3395,Pro 2

ESEC SA 612.900/3, for SIEMENS SICOMP SMP Bus, PCB Card as photos, sn:G06D, lφo

ESEC SA 618.900/2, for SIEMENS SICOMP SMP Bus, PCB Card as photos, sn:xxx.

ESEC SA 621.900/3, for SIEMENS SICOMP SMP Bus ,PCB Card as photo, sn:3219.

ESEC SA 629.181/4, VME Communication module as photo, sn:94112.

ESEC SA 629.1847/C, VME Fiber optic Communication PCB as photo, sn:4514 rφj

ESEC SA 631.191 VME bus EGA/VGA Monitor module as photos, sn:2025.

ESEC SA 631.191 VME bus EGA/VGA Monitor module as photos, sn:6921, Promotion

ESEC SA 631.191 VME bus EGA/VGA Monitor module as photos, sn:set02 dφm

ESEC SA 631.191, VME bus EGA/VGA Monitor module as photo, For part not working.

ESEC SA 634.0902/3, VME Communication module as photo, sn:5733, lφo

ESEC SA 635.0900/7, VME Communication module as photo, sn:5908.

ESEC SA 767.180/5, PCB BOARD communication module as photos, sn:xxxA.

ESEC SA 892.185/1, VME Communication module as photo, sn:2736.

ESEC SA 931.057/1 931.940/06, VME module as photo, sn:1118, Promotion.

ESEC SA 931.057/1 931.940/06, VME module as photo, sn:3349, lφo

ESEC SA 945.183/6 & 945.182/4 & 945.052/4, PCB BOARD as photos, sn:1FWF.

Estic ENRZ MU40D, Servo Nutrunner Master Control Unit as photo, sn:0120, Promot'

Estic ENRZ MU40D, Servo Nutrunner Master Control Unit as photo, sn:0130, lφo

ETEL DSA2 digital servo amplifier DSA2P174ZA . as photos.

ETP Tranission AB ETP-20, Shaft to HUB BUSHING as photos, Price per 1 unit.

EUCHNER TP4-4141A024M, safety switch as photos, sn:0072, Promotion.

EUCHNER TP4-4141A024M, safety switch as photos, sn:0087.

Eupec 40370-211-02-TT104N, New unbox as photo, For AB 150-A35NB SMC-2, Sn:4843

Eupec 40370-211-02-TT104N, New unbox as photo, For AB 150-A35NB SMC-2, Sn:4844

Eupec 40370-211-02-TT104N, New unbox as photo, For AB 150-A35NB SMC-2, Sn:4845

EURESYS 1191 Grablink PCI, Camera link frame Grabber as photos, sn:2746, Pro 1

EURESYS 1191 Grablink PCI, Camera link frame Grabber as photos, sn:7447, lφo

EURESYS Grablink Value, 1191 A1_0, PCB Camera link as photos, sn:8576

Excellon Automation ABW 125, Air bearing as photo, sn:1455/06, rφj

EXFO 805-00009, High Power Fiber Light Guide OPTIC as photo, sn:0687.

Exor UniOP eTOP11-0050, Touch screen with memory as photos, Sn:0132, Promotion

Exor UniOP eTOP11-0050, Touch screen with memory as photos, Sn:17067, Tested.

Exor UniOP eTOP11-0050, Touch screen with memory as photos, sn:6800.

Exor UniOP eTOP11-0050, Touch screen with memory as photos, sn:6855, lφo

Exor UniOP eTOP11-0050, Touch screen with memory as photos, sn:6855, lφo

EXPERT EX9017/F EX9017F, Data Acquisition 8-Ch Analog Input, New In Box, lφo

EXPERT EX9017/F EX9017F, Data Acquisition 8-Ch Analog Input, New Promotion,

Expert EX9017/F, Data Acquisition 8-Ch Analog Input as photo, sn:1133, lφo

Expert EX9017/F, Data Acquisition 8-Ch Analog Input as photo, sn:1136, Pro 2

Expert EX9017/F, Data Acquisition 8-Ch Analog Input as photo, sn:1149, Pro 1

Extron Electronics RGB 109xi , Dedicated Interface with ADSP?, sn:3037.

Eyepiece 10X W.F. 23mm. lot 3 units as photo, for microscope head, sn:xxxx.

Eyepiece 10X W.F. 23mm. lot 4 units as photo, for microscope head, sn:xxxx.

Eyepiece 10X W.F. 23mm., 1 unit as photo, for microscope head, sn:1581.

Ezi-Servo EzM-60M-A, Motor as photo, sn:1210.

F&T F3AA024E, Lot 5 units of 24 VDC Relay as 1st photo.

FACTS ENGINEERING, DIRECT LOGIC 105 F1-130DR-D, PLC as photos, sn:03C2.

Falcon LDR-i50B-R24, Ring Light ? 50mm., 24Vdc as photos, sn:0237.

Falcon LDR-i50B-R24, Ring Light ? 50mm., 24Vdc as photos, sn:0238, Pro'

FANUC A06B-0113-B078#0008, AC Servo Motor as photo, sn:0457.

FANUC A06B-0113-B078#0008, Fail Motor as photos, sn: E1207, For part not working

Fanuc A06B-0113-B178#0008, AC Servo Motor as photo, sn:0604.

FANUC A06B-0367-B355 & A860-0347-T021, Servo Motor&Pulse Coder,sn:0358&0937.

FANUC A06B-0367-B355 & A860-0347-T021, Servo Motor&Pulse Coder,sn:0455, Pro'

Fanuc A06B-0367-B355#0002 4-0F, AC Servo motor as photo, sn:0357.

Fanuc A06B-0369-B355#0002 3-0F, AC Servo motor as photo, sn:0344.

FANUC A06B-0531-B069#0084 , Servo Motor as photos, sn: E0053, Promotion.

Fanuc A06B-0531-B069#0084 5-0, AC Servo motor as photo, sn:0027.

Fanuc A06B-0531-B069#0084 5-0, AC Servo motor as photo, sn:0068, Pro

Fanuc A06B-0531-B069#0084 5-0, AC Servo motor as photo, sn:0088, Promotion 2

FANUC A16B-2200-0855/03B as photos SN:12Y24, unknown condition.

FANUC A16B-2201-0792/03C as photos SN:3Z25, unknown condition.

FANUC A16B-2201-0792/03C as photos SN:7724, unknown condition, Promotion.

FANUC FA8476A , Drive interface as photo, Unknow data.

Fastech Ezi-Servo EzS-PD-60M-A, Servo Drive as photo, sn:1214.

Faulhaber 3557K024C S, Motor as photo, sn:0212.

FAULHABER 38/1 134:1, DC Minimotor SA with gear head, sn: 2550.

FAULHABER MINIMOTOR SA 4490 H 048 B K1155 & 022959 23:1 as photos, sn:0509.

FAULHABER MINIMOTOR SA 4490 H 048 B K1155 & 022959 23:1 as photos, sn:6226, Pro'

Faulhaber motor Gearhead 30/1 & 38/2 , Combine 2 axis as photo, dφm jer

FCN 40-40 pin ribbon cable lenght 0.5m. as photo, For Mitsubishi PLC , sn:B

  • 联系人:小方
  • 电话:18050196379
  • 手机:18050196379
  • 地址:福建省福州市滨江西大道闽商财富中心69号18层1806室