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发布时间:2023-12-22 03:06:53  点击量:9
  推送:2000-XSII福建省市县区域/直送2023全+境+派 推送:2000-XSII福建省市县区域/直送2023全+境+派 推送:2000-XSII福建省市县区域/直送2023全+境+派
联系人:小方 联系手机:18050196379  (同vx)               Q:2585776742 主营品牌:AB、GE、ABB、发那科、安川、施耐德、力士乐、西门子、霍尼韦尔、艾默生等进口品牌PLC、CPU、DCS钟采购,原装行货,优惠,保修,型号齐全,优势库存,欢迎查询!

ConTEC COM-4M(PC), NO.9576B Card as photo, sn:1418.

ConTEC DIO-0808LY-USB, Isolated Digital I/O Terminal for USB2.0 as photo, sn:756

ConTEC DIO-0808LY-USB, Price per 1 unit of Isolated I/O module as 1st photo, dφm

ConTEC DIO-8/8(USB)GY, Isolated I/O Module with terminal, Sn:2739.

ConTEC DIO-8/8(USB)GY, Price per 1 unit of I/O Module, Sn:xxx rφj. Promotion.

ConTEC DTP-3C, General Purpose Terminal as photos, sn:0202.

ConTEC EPD-96, Screw Terminal as photos, sn:5001.

Contec GP-IB(PC), NO.9572A Card board as photo, sn:7562.

ConTEC No.9984A VGA TPVGA(PC)-T, card as photos, sn:0333, rφj.

ConTEC NOTE-PAC(PCI)H2 & BUS-PAC (PCI), expansion photo as photo, sn:0705,Pro 1

ConTEC NOTE-PAC(PCI)H2 & BUS-PAC (PCI), expansion photo as photo, sn:0879.

ConTEC NOTE-PAC(PCI)H2 & BUS-PAC(PCI) & PIO-32/32L(PCI)H, chassis photo, sn:0921

ConTEC PC-80486D(98)M & PC-MEN2(98), PC CPU&Memory module, sn:9949C.

ConTEC PCB96WS-1.5, converts the 96-pin half-pitch connector to 37-pin D-SUB M.

ConTEC PI-64L(PCI) 7098A, input digital signal PCB as photos sn:4177, rφj.

ConTEC PIO-16/16L(PC)V, NO.7089A I/O CARD as photos, sn:4068, rφj.

ConTEC PIO-16/16L(PC)V, NO.7089A I/O CARD as photos, sn:7953, rφj , Promotion.

ConTEC PIO-32/32B(PCI)H 7100A, I/O Digital PCB as photos, sn:8719, rφj

ConTEC PIO-32/32B(PCI)H 7100A, input/output digital PCB as photos sn:9298, lφo

ConTEC PIO-32/32L(PC) No.9859B, Isolated Digital I/O Board as photos, sn:0652

Contec PIO-32/32L(PCI) 7097A, interface PCB board, Sn:4273, Promotion 3.

Contec PIO-32/32L(PCI) 7097A, interface PCB board, sn:8283, Promotion 2.

ConTEC PIO-32/32L(PCI)H, I/O Digital PCB as photo, sn:7133, Promotion 2

ConTEC PIO-32/32L(PCI)H, I/O Digital PCB as photos, sn:9153, rφj

ConTEC PIO-32/32L(PCI)H, input/output of digital signals, PCB sn:0937, Promotion

ConTEC PIO-32/32L(PCI)H, input/output of digital signals, PCB sn:4983, lφo

ConTEC PIO-32/32T(PCI)H 7282, Digital I/O Board as photo, sn:0295 rφj

ConTEC PIO-32/32T(PCI)H, TTL-Level Digital I/O Board for PCI, PCB sn:0661.

ConTEC PIO-64/64L(PCI)H, Isolated Digital I/O No.7299A as photos, sn:3501.

ConTEC SIO-2(98)N, 2 Channel RS-232C module, sn:9857B

Control cable 2m. as photo, Unknow data

Control Pack MT01CP, Minitor motor driver as photo, sn:1104, Promotion.

Control Pack MT01CP, Minitor motor driver as photo, sn:1119.

Conveyor Belt , approx. 50Wx 650L mm. Steel frame with PE Roller

Conveyor Belt , approx. 50Wx 650L mm. Steel frame with PE Roller

ConVUM F-1CVF-1-10HS, Vacuum Sensor as photo.

Cool Muscle CM1-C-17L30A, Stepping Motor as photos, sn:0048, Promotion.

Cool Muscle CM1-C-17L30A, Stepping Motor as photos, sn:0174, untested.

Cool Muscle CM1-C-17L30A, Stepping Motor for part not working.

Cool Muscle CM1-P-17S30A, Servo motor as photo, sn:0057.

Cool Muscle CM1-P-17S30A, Servo motor as photo, sn:0259.

Cool Muscle CM1-P-23S30A, Servo motor as photo, sn:0016.

Cool Muscle CM1-P-23S30A, Servo motor as photo, sn:0023, Promotion.

Copley Control 7225DC 8001049, DC Servo Drive as photo, sn: 1574.

Copley Controls 503 , Brushless Servo drive as photo, sn:1422

Copley Controls 503 , Brushless Servo drive as photo, sn:5397 Promotion.

Copley Controls 505, Brushles Servo Amplfier as photo, sn:9528.

COSEL ACE450F, A-O2HEC-00 w POWER SUPPLY as photos, sn:000A.

COSEL ADA600F-24, Power supply 24V 25Amp as photos, sn:0778.

COSEL ADA600F-24, Power supply 24V 25Amp as photos, sn:523T.

COSEL ADA600F-24, Power supply 24V 25Amp as photos, sn:523T.

COSEL K150AU-15, Power Supply 15V 10A as photo,sn:0474.

Cosel LDA300W-24, Power supply 24V 14A as photo, sn:0053, Promotion 1

Cosel LDA300W-24, Power supply 24V 14A as photo, sn:0098, Promotion 2

Cosel LDA300W-24, Power supply 24V 14A as photo, sn:382W. lφo

Cosel LDA30F-24, Power supply board 24V as photos, sn:0459, Promotion 2

Cosel LDA30F-24, Power supply board 24V as photos, sn:1981, lφo

Cosel LDA30F-24, Power supply board 24V as photos, sn:1981, Promotion 1

COSEL PAA300F-48, Power supply as photo,sn:458T.

Cosel PBA50F-24, Power Supply 24V 2.2A as photo, sn:1376, Pro 1

Cosel PBA50F-24, Power Supply 24V 2.2A as photo, sn:1843. Pto 2

Cosel PBA50F-24, Power Supply 24V 2.2A as photo, sn:1857, lφo

Cosel PBA50F-24, Power Supply 24V 2.2A as photo, sn:93LR.

Coicar 25 mm 1:1.8, Television TV Lens c-mount as photo, sn:set A, dφm PP

Coicar 25 mm 1:1.8, Television TV Lens c-mount as photo, sn:set C.

Coicar 25 mm 1:1.8, Television TV Lens c-mount as photo, sn:xx.

Coicar X2 TV Extender Lens as photo, for C/CS Camera, sn:Japan 2.

COSMO PCPG-46(PBF), Motor controller Board, Sn:7728, as photos, Promotion

COSMO PCPG-46(PBF), Motor controller Board, Sn:7729.

COSMO PCPG-67 , Motor controller Board Sn:2808.

Coo System VPG-23, Controller VME BUS card as photo, sn:0401, lφo 3

Coo System VPG-23, Controller VME BUS card as photo, sn:0403, promotion 1

Coo System VPG-23, Controller VME BUS card as photo, sn:0412, lφo 1

Coo System VPG-23, Controller VME BUS card as photo, sn:0424, lφo 2

Coo system VPG-45, Controller VME BUS card as photo, sn:1101, Promotion 1

Coo system VPG-45, Controller VME BUS card as photo, sn:1128, promotion 2

Coo system VPG-45, Controller VME BUS card as photo, sn:1132, lφo 1

Coo system VPG-45, Controller VME BUS card as photo, sn:1167, lφo 2

Coo System VPG-86, 8-axis motor controller VME bus card as photo, sn:1403, lφo

Credix CH1720C-150SN, Power Divider/Splitter 1.8 GHz as photo, sn:4320.

Credix CH1720C-150SN, Power Divider/Splitter 1.8 GHz as photo, sn:4326, Pro'

Credix DCP1780, RF UP/DOWN Converter as photo, Sn:01, Promotion 1.

Credix DCP-1780, RF UP/DOWN Converter as photo, Sn:8012, lφo

Credix DCP1780, RF UP/DOWN Converter as photos, Sn:8015, Promotion 2.

CRYDOM 6401A, AC output module with 4 Channel socket PCB as pictures.

CRYDOM D2410, Solid State Reray.

Crystal Technology RFU 27MHz, Old stock never , sn:179.

Crystal Technology RFU 27MHz, Old stock never , sn:179.

  • 联系人:小方
  • 电话:18050196379
  • 手机:18050196379
  • 地址:福建省福州市滨江西大道闽商财富中心69号18层1806室