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发布时间:2023-12-22 03:07:02  点击量:10
  推送:MS69C-YYYY-006福建省市县区域/直送2023全+境+派 推送:MS69C-YYYY-006福建省市县区域/直送2023全+境+派 推送:MS69C-YYYY-006福建省市县区域/直送2023全+境+派
联系人:小方 联系手机:18050196379  (同vx)               Q:2585776742 主营品牌:AB、GE、ABB、发那科、安川、施耐德、力士乐、西门子、霍尼韦尔、艾默生等进口品牌PLC、CPU、DCS钟采购,原装行货,优惠,保修,型号齐全,优势库存,欢迎查询!

Agilent Technologies N8990A P22, frame assemply part as photo, sn:0115.

Air Flow Probe as photo, unknow data.

AIRNET-301, Particle measuring Sensor without power supply, sn:xxxx

Airpel Air Cylinder E16D1.5N, Pneumatic as photo, sn:011L.

Airpel Air Cylinder E16D1.5N, Pneumatic as photo, sn:228N, Promotion.

AJINEXTEK AXT BPFR REV 3.0.1, PCI BOARD as photos, sn:0448, Promotion 2.

AJINEXTEK AXT BPFR REV 3.0.1, PCI BOARD as photos, sn:0520.

AKI applied kinetics SAZ V6.0,Probe angle z ht as photo, for COGNEX, untest rφj

AKI applied kinetics SAZ V6.0,Probe angle z ht sensor, For part not working. rφj

ALCATEL AMP 007i, Molecular pump for Adixen ASM142, sn:6643, Untested.

Alfa Laval CBH16, Brazed plate heat exchanger, New without box, Man date 110528.

ALLEGRO 8122 410 00304, Type 8122 410 0032.7, PCB as photos, SN: 9031, Pro'

ALLEGRO 8122 410 00304, Type 8122 410 50021, PCB as photos, SN: 6050

ALLEGRO 8122 410 00305, Type 8122 410 0032.9, PCB as photos, sn:4007, lφo

Allen Bradley 1201-HAP, Programming Terminal as photo, sn:FRN 1.07

Allen Bradley 1201-HAS2 Programmer Keypad Terminal, New without box , Sn:01

Allen Bradley 1305-RFB-8-B, Input RFI filter, Old stock never .

Allen Bradley 1394 End Terminator Cap as photo, for AC Servo Drive, sn:99R0 .

Allen Bradley 1394-AM04 , Axis Servo Module 3kW, New without box ,sn:2015

Allen Bradley 1394C 1394 End Terminator Cap as photo, for AC Servo Drive, set 2

Allen Bradley 1398-DDM-009, Servo driver old stock never , sn:6417

Allen Bradley 1485P-P4N5-MN5, Device Net Port as photos.

Allen Bradley 1485RS-P4M5-C, DeviceNet Cable as photo, New unbox, Promotion.

Allen Bradley 1485RS-P4M5-C, DeviceNet Cable, Old stock never ,Promotion rφj

Allen Bradley 1485RS-P6M5-C, DeviceNet Cable as photo, New unbox, Promotion.

Allen Bradley 1492-CABLE 010U, Controller wiring cable lenght 1.5m as photo.

Allen Bradley 160S-AA02NSF1 Series C, Speed Controller sn:4529

Allen Bradley 160S-AA02NSF1 Series C, Speed Controller sn:6MH8.

Allen Bradley 161210-0020, 2090 Encoder cable as photo.

Allen Bradley 1732DS-IB8XOBV4 & 1485RS-P6M5-C, DeviceNet as photos, Pro 2

Allen Bradley 1734-CTM, Price per 1 units of PLC Modue, New without box, Pro'

ALLEN BRADLEY 1734-EP24DC & 1734-RTB, Module as photos, sn:L1BL,

Allen Bradley 1734-IB4, 24VDC Sink Input as photo, sn:5474.

Allen Bradley 1734-OB4, 24VDC Source Output as photo, sn:7062, NEW in box.

Allen Bradley 1734-OE2V, Analog Output as photo, sn:0749,NEW in box, Promotion.

Allen Bradley 1734-OE2V, Analog Output as photo, sn:6415,NEW in box.

Allen Bradley 1734-OE2V, Analog Output as photo, sn:6420,NEW in box.

Allen Bradley 1734-OE2V, Analog Output as photo, sn:6421,NEW in box, lφo

Allen Bradley 1734-OX2, 1 units of PLC Modue as 1st photo, New unbox, Promotion.

Allen Bradley 1734-TB3S, PLC Terminal module as photo.

Allen Bradley 1746-A13, SLC 500 13-SLOT RACK as photos, sn:W7JD

Allen Bradley 1746-IA16, SLC500 Input Module as photo,sn:0132.

Allen Bradley 1746-IV16, SLC500 Input DC-Source module SER C. as photo, sn:J0VN.

Allen Bradley 1746-IV16, SLC500 Input DC-Source module SER C. as photo, sn:J1MF.

Allen Bradley 1746-IV16, SLC500 Input DC-Source module SER C. as photo, sn:J2TC.

Allen Bradley 1746-IV16, SLC500 Input DC-Source module SER C. as photo, sn:J2UA.

Allen Bradley 1746-IV16, SLC500 INPUT MODULE as photos, sn:Q8UB

Allen Bradley 1746-IV16, SLC500 INPUT MODULE as photos, sn:Q8UG

Allen Bradley 1746-IV32, PLC with Header Kit, Old Stock never ,SN:GE1LD, Pro

Allen Bradley 1746-IV32, PLC without Header Kit, Old Stock never , SN:GD8JI.

Allen Bradley 1746-N2B, Card slot filler as photo, sn:A. Promotion pφx

Allen Bradley 1746-N2B, Card slot filler as photo, sn:B.

Allen Bradley 1746-N2B, Card slot filler as photo, sn:C.

Allen Bradley 1746-OB8, Lot 3 of PLC module as photo sn:WM & W30V & WK

Allen Bradley 1746-OV16, SLC500 OUTPUT MODULE as photos, sn:M4WD, Promotion.

Allen Bradley 1746-OV16, SLC500 Output module SER C as photo, sn:P0M0.

Allen Bradley 1746-OV16, SLC500 Output module SER C as photo, sn:P0MG.

Allen Bradley 1746-OV16, SLC500 Output module SER C. as photo, sn:G6QY.

Allen Bradley 1746-OV32, SLC500 Output DC-Sink module SER D. as photo, sn:F5ZK.

Allen Bradley 1746-OV32, SLC500 OUTPUT MODULE as photos, sn:G7TF

Allen Bradley 1746-P4 & 1746-A13, SLC 500 Supply on Reck as photos,sn:S5VV. dφm

Allen Bradley 1746SC-INI4VI, Analog Module as photo,sn:3776, Broken-not working.

Allen Bradley 1747-SDN, SLC 500 DeviceNet Scanner Module as photos, sn:X2KW.

Allen Bradley 1747-SDN, SLC500 DeviceNet Scanner module SER B as photo, sn:EAD9.

Allen Bradley 1747-SN, SLC 500 I/O Scanner as photo,sn:J7EK, Broken-not working.

Allen Bradley 1756-0F8, Analog Module as photo, sn:10C0, Broken-not working.

Allen Bradley 1756-BATM, Controlllogix Battery Module, Excluding Battery .

Allen Bradley 1756-DHRIO Ser.D, DH+/RIO Module as photo, sn:2993, NEW in box.

Allen Bradley 1756-IB16D/A, DC Diagnostic Input , Old stock never , sn:24F2.

Allen Bradley 1756-IB32 /B, Input broken as photo, sn:A873, For part not working

Allen Bradley 1756-IF16 Analog Module as photo, sn:6BBD, Broken-not working.

Allen Bradley 1756-IR6I/A, ControlLogix as photo, sn:FFD8, Broken-not working.

Allen Bradley 1756-L60M03SE, Control Logix as photo,sn:0BE2, Broken-not working.

Allen Bradley 1756-M13/A, ControlLogix as photo, sn:141B, Broken-not working.

Allen Bradley 1756-M3 SER. A, Logix5550 as photo, sn:2A01, Broken-not working.

Allen Bradley 1756-OB16E, Output Module as photo, sn:0611, Broken-not working.

Allen Bradley 1756-PA75R /A, Power Supply as photo,sn:3697.

Allen Bradley 1756-PA75R /A, Power Supply as photo,sn:3760, Pro '

Allen Bradley 1757-SRM /B, ProcessLogix as photo, sn:12E3, Broken-not working.

Allen Bradley 1761-CBL-PM02, Cable as photo, Maple System OIT3165 TO Micrologix.

Allen Bradley 1761-L32BBB, PLC0 as photo, sn:1239, For part not working.

Allen Bradley 1762-L24BWAR, PLC as photo, sn:4548, For part not working.

Allen Bradley 1763-L16BWA, PLC as photo,sn:4548, For part not working.

Allen Bradley 1764-MM1, MicroLogix 1500 8K Memory Module as photo.

Allen Bradley 1769-OB32, PLC Module as photo,sn:3580, For part not working.

Allen Bradley 1783-MX08T,Stratix 8000 Switch, New without box,sn:B2SQ, lφo

Allen Bradley 1786-TPR/C, Lot 3 of Control Net Connector

ALLEN BRADLEY 1790D-T8BV8B SER. A, Compact Block as photos, sn:7B4A6

  • 联系人:小方
  • 电话:18050196379
  • 手机:18050196379
  • 地址:福建省福州市滨江西大道闽商财富中心69号18层1806室