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发布时间:2023-12-22 03:07:19  点击量:12
  推送:FGFS1A-20-E100B福建省市县区域/直送2023全+境+派 推送:FGFS1A-20-E100B福建省市县区域/直送2023全+境+派 推送:FGFS1A-20-E100B福建省市县区域/直送2023全+境+派
联系人:小方 联系手机:18050196379  (同vx)               Q:2585776742 主营品牌:AB、GE、ABB、发那科、安川、施耐德、力士乐、西门子、霍尼韦尔、艾默生等进口品牌PLC、CPU、DCS钟采购,原装行货,优惠,保修,型号齐全,优势库存,欢迎查询!

Advantech DNO-2052-GDA0, Industrial Fanless Computor as photo.

Advantech E227809B HXF-S, 94V-0 ACP KB/USB LEFT Rev.A4 as photo, sn:9404.

Advantech PCA-6010VG, Industrial SBC as photo, sn:2471, Tested

Advantech PCA-6010VG, Industrial SBC as photo, sn:2579, dφm so.

Advantech PCA-6010VG, Industrial SBC as photo, sn:6843.

ADVANTECH PCA-6108P4 Rev.C2, 19AK610822 Backplane as photo, sn:6429, Promotion.

ADVANTECH PCA-6108P4 Rev.C2, 19AK610822-01 Backplane as photo, sn:5853, Pro'

Advantech PCA-6114R Rev. C2, IPC Chassis PCB as photo, sn:8422.

Advantech PCA-6114P12, Backplane Board for PCA-6186, SN:0918 Tested, Promotion

Advantech PCA-6114P12, Backplane Board for PCA-6186, SN:1041 Tested.

Advantech PCA-6186G2, Industrial SBC as photos ,sn:9799, dφm.

Advantech PCA-6186VE, Industrial SBC & Disk Module DOS7 as photo, sn:3834,Tested

Advantech PCA-6187 REV.A2, 19A6618702 Board as photo, sn:8702.

Advantech PCA-6187VE, Industrial SBC Pentium4/3.2GHz/1Gb Dual mode,sn: dφm

Advantech PCA-6187VE, SBC Pentium4/2.8GHz/1Gb Dual mode as photo,sn:8843.

Advantech PCA-6187VG, Industrial SBC Pentium4/2.4GHz/1Gb Dual mode,sn: dφm.

Advantech PCI-1610, PCI card as photo, sn:0775, Promotion.

Advantech PCI-1610, PCI card as photo, sn:7033

Advantech PCI-1733, 32-ch Isolated Digital Input PCI Card as photo, sn:4042, Pro

Advantech PCI-1733, 32-ch Isolated Digital Input PCI Card as photo, sn:9024 lφo

ADVANTECH PCI-1762, 16 relay Output digital input PCI Card sn:2267 lφo

Advantech PCI-6771 REV.B3, PCI CPU Board as photo, sn:1001, For part not working

Advantech PCI-6771 REV.B3, PCI CPU Board as photo, sn:1001.

Advantech PCL-725 , Relay output + Isolated DI , sn:6376, Promotion

Advantech PCL-725 , Relay output + Isolated DI , sn:6465

Advantech PCL-730, 32-ch Isolated Digital I/0 ISA Cord as photo, sn:0036, lφo

Advantech PCL-730, 32-ch Isolated Digital I/0 ISA Cord as photo, sn:0222.

Advantech PCL-733 REV.B1, 32-ch Isolated Digital Input ISA as photo, sn:5306.

Advantech PCL-733 REV.B1, 32-ch Isolated Digital Input ISA as photo, sn:5306.

Advantech PCL-734 REV.B1, 32-ch Isolated Output ISA Card as photo, sn:3502, Pro

Advantech PCL-734 REV.B1, 32-ch Isolated Output ISA Card as photo, sn:5175, lφo

Advantech PCL-745, 2-port RS-422/485 Communication Card as photos, sn:6023, Pro'

Advantech PCL-745, 2-port RS-422/485 Communication Card as photos, sn:6234.

ADVANTECH PCL-839 , Stepping Motor Control card, For part not working.

Aerotech A3200 NDRIVE20B, Servo drive as photo, sn:108/1, rφj Promotion 1

Aerotech A3200 NDRIVE20B, Servo drive as photo, sn:233/9, rφj

Aerotech A3200 NDRIVE20B, Servo drive as photo,sn:730/6,untested,Promotion 2 rφj

AEROTECH ART310-G54 WITH 2 Phase Motor , 4th AXIS Rotary SN:6838 dφm.

Aerotech ART315 Tray Rotary Stage BMS60_UFA MOTOR as photo, sn:1221.

AEROTECH ATS03005-5, LinearStage 0.5mm./Rev.with 2 Ph' motor as photo, sn:A21Z.

AEROTECH ATS03005-U-5, LinearStage 0.5mm./Rev., Backlash warranty, Sn:B11Z,rφj

AEROTECH ATS03005-U-5, LinearStage 0.5mm./Rev., For part not working ,sn:23/6

AEROTECH ATS03005-U-5, LinearStage 0.5mm./Rev.with 2 Ph' step motor, sn:4518

AeroTech BA30, servo amplifier as photo, sn:4344.

AEROTECH BM130 - UF, ES14934-1 BM130-A-D25 servo motor as photos, sn:5575.

AEROTECH BM130 / ES 14934-1, BL Servo Motor sn:134175-A11, lφo

Aerotech BM130-A-D25-E1000H, ES14934-1 Servo Motor as photo, sn:0F21, Pro 1

Aerotech BM130-A-D25-E1000H, ES14934-1 Servo Motor as photo, sn:4666, Pro 2

Aerotech BM130-A-D25-E1000H, ES14934-1 Servo Motor as photo, sn:6019, lφo 1

Aerotech BM130-A-D25-E1000H, ES14934-1 Servo Motor as photo, sn:6020, lφo 2

Aerotech BM130-S-D25-E1000H, ES14934-1 Servo Motor as photo, sn:4842, lφo 3

AEROTECH BMS60-A-D25-E1000H & ATS 03005, Stage as photos, sn:9326, Pro' dφm

Aerotech BMS60-A-D25-E1000H, ES14499 Motor cable broken as photo, sn:1374.

Aerotech BMS60-A-E1000H, ES14499 Motor cable broken as photos, sn:2143, Pro 1

AEROTECH ES14934-1-BM130-A-D25-E1000H, SERVO MOTOR as photos, sn:4841, lφo

Aerotech MCA00903-ES15640-2, Ratio: 10:1 as photo, sn:2H11.

AFL MTP Connector MPO(F) 12F 50/125 OFNP 25m., Ribbon link Optical Cable Fiber.

AFL MTP Connector MPO(F) 12F 50/125 OFNP 25m., Ribbon link Optical Fiber, Pro'

Agilent 10833A, GPIB IEEE 488 Interface Cable 1m. as photo, sn:20D3, pφx

Agilent 10833A, GPIB IEEE 488 Interface Cable 1m. as photo, sn:47D2, dφm jer116

Agilent 10833A, GPIB IEEE 488 Interface Cable 1m. as photo, sn:47D2, set b

Agilent 10833D, GPIB IEEE 488 Interface Cable 0.6m. as photo, sn:39D2, pφx

Agilent 10833D, GPIB IEEE 488 Interface Cable 0.6m. as photo, sn:42D2.

Agilent 11713A, Attenuator/ Switch Driver as photo, sn:1938.

Agilent 11713A, Attenuator/ Switch Driver as photo, sn:2110, Promotion.

Agilent 11713A, Attenuator/ Switch Driver as photo, sn:2112, dφm eir

Agilent 11713A, Attenuator/ Switch Driver as photo, sn:2186, dφm eir

Agilent 34401A power switch part as photo.

Agilent 34401A, Meter as photo without calibration&accessories, sn: dφm

Agilent 34401A, Meter as photo, Tested without all accessories, sn:8193xx, dφm

Agilent 34970A, Data Acquisition as photo, sn:6065, Untest-For part not working.

Agilent 66321B, Mobile communications DC Source as photo, sn:0279, 10kg.

Agilent 8493A 6 dB, 1 unit of Attenuator as 1st photo, Promotion.

Agilent 8762B, Coaxial Switch DC to 18 GHz As Photo, Sn:7373. CRW

Agilent cabinet Rackmount Kit as photo, For E4404B, ESA-E Series, Promotion.

Agilent cabinet Rackmount Kit as photo, For E4404B, ESA-E Series, Set 2.

Agilent E3631A,Triple Output Power Supply, sn:1693, dφm

Agilent E3632A, Power Supply as photo without all accessories, sn:7246, CRW dφm

Agilent E3632A, Power Supply as photo without all accessories, sn:7450, CRW dφm

Agilent E4404B, ESA-E Series Spectrum Analyzer,Options as picture hardware list.

Agilent E4418B Power Meter without Power sensors, Sn:104074. " Show tested", dφm

Agilent HP 81623A , sn:3227, For part not working, dφm

Agilent N9365 / 21306/2 , Control cable as photo, for Agilent 11713A, lφo 1

Agilent N9365 / 21306/2 , Control cable as photo, for Agilent 11713A, lφo 2

Agilent N9365 / 21306/2 , Control cable as photo, for Agilent 11713A, Pro 1

Agilent N9365 / 21306/2 , Control cable as photo, for Agilent 11713A, Pro 1

Agilent N9365 / 21306/2 , Control cable as photo, for Agilent 11713A, Pro 2

Agilent S9 Attenuator Switch cable as photo, for Agilent 11713A.

  • 联系人:小方
  • 电话:18050196379
  • 手机:18050196379
  • 地址:福建省福州市滨江西大道闽商财富中心69号18层1806室